Vote starts on final draft of ISO 45001

ISO has now officially released the final draft of the new occupational health & safety standard.

ISO 45001, Occupational health and safety management systems, will help organizations provide a safe and healthy workplace for its workers and other people, prevent deaths, work-related injury and ill health as well as continually improve occupational health and safety (OH&S) performance. It has just reached the Final Draft International Standard (FDIS) stage, meaning interested parties can submit feedback on the draft before its final publication expected in March 2018.

“ISO 45001 is a significant improvement on OHSAS 18001, which has established that standardization using the risk-based approach works across the world and business sectors. Effective application of ISO 45001 will reduce the risk of harm in the workplace,” says David Smith, Chair of ISO/PC 283, the project committee developing the standard.

What it means for your current Occupational Health & Safety management system

After the publication of ISO 45001 the OHSAS 18001/18002 standards will be withdrawn. Organizations certified will be allotted a 3-year migration period. Your organization should prepare for the migration and we can support you in the steps, through:

  • Self-study assets such as our migration guidance and a self-assessment readiness checklist
  • Gap Analysis
  • E-learning
  • Training courses, including internal auditor and lead auditor training
  • Migration audits

Visit our page on the migration to learn more.